Ekofisk 2/4 S
- Operational 15 October 1985
- Ceased to operate 1998
- Removed in 2001-14
- Also known as Ekofisk Statpipe

Installed in 1984, it became operational the following year. The platform ceased to operate in 1998. Its whole topsides were removed in 2001 with the aid of Thialf crane ship and later scrapped at Lyngdal Recycling in southern Norway. The jacket (support structure) and bridge foundation were removed in the summer of 2014.
The Statpipe transport system comprises 880 kilometres of pipelines, with a terminal at Kårstø. Statfjord, Gullfaks, Snorre, Brage, Tordis, Veslefrikk and Heimdal are tied into it.
Rich gas from fields in the northern North Sea (the Gullfaks, Statfjord and Oseberg areas) is piped to Kårstø, where the NGLs are removed and fractionated to commercial products for onward transport as liquefied ship cargoes.
The dry gas travelled in a 28-inch pipeline via the Draupner 16/11 S riser platform to Ekofisk 2/4 S, where it tied into the Norpipe line to Emden in Germany. Since 1998, however, it has bypassed the Ekofisk platforms to tie directly into Norpipe.