Waterflooding starts from 2/4 W module

The decision was taken in the summer of 1986 to launch a pilot project for water injection in the Ekofisk formation. This was considered a success, and the whole waterflood programme was extended to the lower part of the formation and the Tor structure.
It was decided to modify the second bridge support out to the southern flare stack in the Ekofisk Complex so that it could serve as an eight-slot wellhead platform.
The topside module for this 2/4 W platform was installed in November 1989. Modifications were also made to 2/4 C and 2/4 A for drilling eight additional wells from each of them.
Waterflooding began from the 2/4 W module on 12 September 1990, with injection into the lower Ekofisk formation and the Tor structure in the southern part of the field.
The water to be injected arrived in a 12-inch pipeline from the 2/4 K platform, where it had been treated before being transferred.[REMOVE]Fotnote: PhillipsNytt, no 12, 1990.
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