Accommodation rig in position

Providing 443 single and two double cabins, this facility was towed out from the yard at Eydehavn in southern Norway during the early summer of 2011.
All the cabins had internet, TV and radio connections, providing much more up-to-date living conditions than the old hotel platform could offer.

In addition came a 76-seat office module as well as lounges, canteen, gym, workshops, sky lobby and helideck. The last of these was used in conjunction with the helideck on Ekofisk 2/4 H.
It was reassuring that the hull could by jacked up to a secure height should extreme weather threaten. Safety was enhanced and the operator no longer needed to send people ashore if high waves were expected.
Haven was built by Jacktel AS, a wholly owned subsidiary of Master Marine AS, with Kristiansand company OSM Offshore AS responsible for operation. ConocoPhillips had an initial charter of three years with options to extend this.
SAR team in actionAward for IOR work in chalk