The Albuskjell 2/4 F platform was very similar to Albuskjell 1/6 A, combining drilling, production and accommodation. It stood in 71 metres of water 13 kilometres west of the Ekofisk Complex and roughly eight from 1/6 A. A separate flare stack was linked by a bridge.
— Albuskjell 2/4 F from the north west. Photo: Husmo Foto/Norsk Oljemuseum
Producing from 11 wells, the platform’s process facilities included a three-phase separator (12.2 x 2.9 metres) for gas, oil and water and a test separator (4.7 x 1.7 metres).
In addition came a glycol gas dehydrator (11.5 x 3.2 metres) with glycol recovery, a filter for produced condensate and a fiscal metering station for oil and gas.
første kvinnelige sveiser, forsidebilde, 1984, historie,"On the 14.30 flight from Forus came Randi Rostrup with her welding certificate, ready to do her part of the job in replacing the living quarters on Albuskjell 2/4 Fox." From PhillipsNews no. 3, 1984. Photo: Jon Bjotveit
Production from 2/4 F was blended with the respective streams from Albuskjell 1/6 A for onward export to 2/4 R via oil and gas pipelines with diameters of 18 and 24 inches respectively. Installed in 1977, 2/4 F came on stream in July 1979. Its accommodation was replaced and expanded to 96 beds in 1983. Production ceased in 1990, with derrick and drilling modules removed in 1997.
Livingquarter from “Albuskjell 2/4 F” at “Det maritime skolesenter i Trondheim”.Livingquarter from "Albuskjell 2/4 F" at "Det maritime skolesenter i Trondheim".