Big night for proposals
A romantic wave washed over Ekofisk on 29 February 1992 – the leap day when women are traditionally allowed to propose to a man.

Three of the female workforce independently popped the question that evening – and all were accepted.
First off the mark was a man who received a big package with a letter which he had to read aloud during the carnival festivities at the Ekofisk Complex.
The second received his proposal over the PA system on the Ross Rig drilling unit.
In the third case, a women was smuggled out to her boyfriend’s workplace at the Ekofisk Complex and into a cabin. When the
carnival started, she joined the party dressed as a clown with a green wig and mask. She tossed aside the mask, went down on one knee and proposed – successfully.[REMOVE]Fotnote: PhillipsNytt, no 5, 1992.
Big day for Ekofisk recordsTeam 66
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