Employee 1 000 recruited
Phillips had 12 employees in Norway in 1966, including eight in Oslo and four in Stavanger. Some expansion occurred over the next few years, but a marked leap did not come until 1973.

The workforce was then increased to 315, two-thirds of whom were Norwegian. This rise primarily reflected the approaching start to production from phase II of the Ekofisk development.
A further 212 were recruited in 1974, most of them working offshore. The Norwegian proportion exceeded 70 per cent. By 1975, Phillips Norge was the 10th largest employer in Rogaland, the county which embraces Stavanger.
The biggest recruitment phase until then came in 1976 in connection with the start of production for phase III – the satellite fields. And the 1 000th employee arrived that autumn.
Growth continued for the company’s permanent staff in Norway, and this had reach 2 566 by January 1982.
Phillips head office moves to TanangerThe Bravo Blow out
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