Field operator of the year

The jury citation stated: “The operator delivered impressive results in 2016 and 2017, when production and level of activity increased while successful cost improvement measures were also adopted and top HSE results were delivered.
“The winner has displayed a high level of production efficiency over a long period, with an excellent HSE standard. Over the years, the operator has developed the challenging chalk reservoir in PL 018, where it has displayed constant innovation and ambitions.
“The winner also achieved impressive emission reductions of more than 60 per cent from 1995 to 2017, which is extremely impressive for Norway’s oldest field.”
Gullkronen awards are presented by Rystad in cooperation with the industry to companies, teams and individuals who have made an outstanding contribution on the NCS.
In his speech of thanks, Ekofisk operations manager Kurt Fredheim emphasised the contribution of all employees, contractors and suppliers. In addition, the other Ekofisk licensees had been good sparring partners and supporters.
“This Gullkronen award is further recognition that safe operation is effective operation,” added Bill Arnold, operations manager for Norway.
“It’s also a fine recognition of the whole Norwegian organisation and the solid work done to ensure that the Greater Ekofisk Area will play a key role in Norway’s oil industry.
“And the prize is the result of good teamwork, where everyone has made an impressive contribution.”[REMOVE]Fotnote: Pionér, no 1, ConocoPhillips, 2018.
From left: Arne Gulbrandsen, Rystad Energy, Jan Arne Johansen, Jan Øyvind Sangedal, Kurt Fredheim and Stig Kvendseth, all Conoco Phillips, and Ståle Kyllingstad, IKM.
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