Revitalising Tor

While Tor was originally produced from a manned platform, the new phase involves two subsea templates tied back to 2/4 M in the Ekofisk Complex via 14-kilometre flowlines for production and gas lift.
“We knew there were more resources in the field, so we began planning a redevelopment at an early stage,” said communications vice president Stig Kvendseth at ConocoPhillips.12 “Solid expertise and new technology mean we can now reopen it.”
The company estimates remaining reserves at 60-70 million barrels of oil equivalent, while the project is costed overall at NOK 6-6.5 billion with planned start-up in late 2020.
“After producing Tor for 37 years, we’re proud now to be able to redevelop it and thereby achieve a combined producing life of more than 60 years,” said Trond-Erik Johansen, ConocoPhillips regional vice president for Norway and north Africa.
“Tor II is a robust project which exploits available capacity for processing and transport in the Greater Ekofisk Area,” he added.[REMOVE]Fotnote:
Ekofisk South – 2/4 VC starts up