Ekofisk 2/4 VA
- Installed summer 2009
- Inaugharation 10. May 2010
- Also called "Victor Alpha"

Bente Nyland, director general of the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, performed the official inauguration of this installation – the first on Ekofisk to be operated from land.
This was also the first time a subsea water-injection facility had been positioned on the field, with a high-speed fibreoptic umbilical for power and data transfer plus service lines.
That link ran to the Ekofisk 2/4 M platform, where communication was routed on to Tananger in order to support operation from land.

FMC Technologies was responsible for supplying this subsea injection solution under a five-year contract secured from ConocoPhillips Scandinavia in 2008.
Worth some NOK 600 million, the delivery covered subsea equipment and services for water injection on Ekofisk, with options for future deliveries.[REMOVE]Fotnote: NTB, ”FMC tildelt kontrakt på 600 millioner på Ekofisk”, 1 July 2008.
Injection water for 2/4 VA is supplied from the Ekofisk 2/4 K platform and piped for 4.1 kilometres before being injected under high pressure at the wellhead, just over 70 metres below sea level.[REMOVE]Fotnote: Pionér, no 3, “Ekofisk 2/4 VA drives fra Tananger”, 2010.
This development replaced the Ekofisk 2/4 W water injection platform, which stood at the southern area of the Ekofisk Complex but was shut down in 2009 after being struck by a ship. An alternative was therefore needed quickly.[REMOVE]Fotnote: Norwegian Petroleum Directorate’s fact pages on Ekofisk. Download 25 June 2019. https://npdfactpages.npd.no/factpages/Default.aspx?culture=nb-no&nav1=field&nav2=PageView|All&nav3=43506
Read more: Waterinjection in the Ekofisk-area
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