New platform removal season

Work kicked off with making safe on Cod 7/11 A. The next platform in line was Edda 2/7 C, where a big and complex topsides was to be removed.

Thialf has to make two round trips to the environmental recycling base which had been established at Vats north of Stavanger, carrying modules weighing a total of 11 000 tonnes.
This was followed by removal of the topsides on West Ekofisk 2/4 D before attention turned to Albuskjell 2/4 F, where the jacket was removed. Because of its size, this structure was split horizontally into two sections before transport to land.
Thialf was at work until mid-August, making a total of six round trips to the Vats facility which added up in weight terms to about 25 000 tonnes.[REMOVE]Fotnote: Pioner no 2, 2011.
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