R – back to basics

This represented an extra effort, outside the company’s systems and extensive existing programmes, which trained a spotlight on important incidents.
Issues which arose in areas previously regarded as less important were now to be put on the agenda, with Ekofisk personnel encouraged to report faults and deficiencies – large and small.[REMOVE]Fotnote: EkofiskNytt, no 26, “4R er godt i gang”, week 50, 1996.
The goal was to create a working environment free of accidents and other serious incidents. Attention concentrated on preventive safety measures such as housekeeping (tidiness and cleaning).
Reporting hazards and incidents, use of safe job analyses (SJAs) and toolbox talks, and HSE meetings were other areas given emphasis.
The four “Rs” stood for register, react, report and reduce. Each platform was given points up to 10 for their level of commitment.[REMOVE]Fotnote: EkofiskNytt, no 6, “God 4R-innsats på Cod”, week 15, 1997.
Fifteen months after the campaign had been launched on Ekofisk, the land organisation – buildings, quays, workshops and base areas – was also incorporated in the programme.
Chemical spill to the seaBonus payments